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I'm a Software Developer based in Philippines with over 5 years experience working in both server management and software development. I have a serious passion for creating excellent software solutions, specializing in backend.

I hold a certification as a Red Hat Certified System Administrator(RHCSA).

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HTML, CSS, and JavaScript



Django REST framework



Automated testing


Server Administration


Project Type: Company


ExTrac is a software-as-a-service that provide its users analysis and reports of threats, risk and incidents of violence on a global scope based on different data sources.

I worked with a team that focuses on design, feature development, automations and bug fixing, using technologies such as Python with FastAPI and MongoDB.

Project Type: Personal


This web application is an ecommerce website that allows users to purchase from a listing of products. Application is developed for the purpose of learning.

I developed the entire application from ground up using React for frontend and Django REST framework for backend with a Python script that scrapes data.

Project Type: Company


SOP is a collection of APIs that supports different ERP operations.

I handled Route Optimisation service that aims to minimize cost and optimize technician travel time.

I was also part of the Logistics service, responsible in the development of logistics related operations within the API.

Project Type: Company


OpenERP is an application that centralize processes of our customer's departments within the company. Project is in continuous development.

I worked with a team that focuses on customer project specific configurations, performance optimization and script automations to better organize data.

Project Type: Company

Jira Middleware

This middleware acts as a bridge to replicate Jira issues on a separate Jira instance of our team.

I worked together with 2 teammates and developed the forms together with their unit test using Python 3 and Flask framework. I also setup and deployed it on our production server.

Project Type: Company

RCA Portal

I was assigned into this project towards the end of development. I was given features to implement and frontend / backend issues to fix and resolve. I also integrated it with CICD tool Jenkins.

The website was developed using PHP with Yii2 framework and MySQL database.

Project Type: Company

Patching Scheduler

This script is used to automatically create necessary cases to track the patching of servers and notify stakeholders for the upcoming patch.

The script was developed from ground up using Python 3. I was assigned to one of the feature of the script which role is to auto send notification email to stakeholders.

Project Type: Personal


This web application is a blog website open for all users. It has a realtime chat mechanism. This website is developed for the purpose of learning.

I developed the entire application from ground up using Laravel framework, axios and PostreSQL database.

Project Type: Startup thesis project


I worked together with 6 teammates at Saint Louis University to build the mobile application. ParkInLot utilizes mapbox API that provides users nearby available parking spaces.

The mobile application was built using Angular, Ionic framework and Google Firebase.

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